20 мая 2025 года,
Москва, Holiday Inn Moscow Sokolniki

English programm 2017



Registration, Morning Coffee

Plenary SectionConference Hall


Conference Opening. Welcoming Speech. Dmitry Bederdinov, General Director, IKS-holding


"Data Center Market in Russia: Dynamics and Trends". Stanislav Mirin, Lead Consultant, iKS-Consulting


"Internet of things (IOT) - as a part of new infrastructure". Alexander Nilov, IT infrastructure product manager, Rittal


"Ways of data center TCO reducing". Victor Gagua, CEO, AQUA Technologies Ltd, Munters certified partner


"Efficient operation and data center TCO reducing. Advice and recommendations of Schneider Electric". Yuri Drabkin, consultant for life-cycle support  of data-centers infrastructure, Schneider Electric



11:20– 12:10



 " Data Center Design, Management and Operation" Section

Moderator  Konstantin Zinovev, Engineering Systems Department Director, IBS

" Data Center Engineering Systems Building" Section

Moderator – Shamil Kayumov, independent expert


"Virtual reality in the data center". Greg Sherry, Professor of the Department of automated information processing systems and control Plekhanov Russian University of Economics

"A highly reliable, energy-efficient integrated infrastructure solution for the data center". Dmitri Gulyaev, Head of Data Center Department MCIS, Delta Electronics


"Modern technologies require modern methods". Oliver Lindner, Head of DCIM, FNT GmbH

"The application of Li-Ion technologies for uninterrupted power supply of the data center". Pavel Ponomarev,development manager of 3-phase UPS, Schneider Electric


"High-tech data center solution in a small area". Boris Vasilkovsky, IT  Product Manager, Rittal

"The new standard of power protection from Hitec Power Pro". Rene Lacina, Head of International Sales, Hitec Power Protection, Hitec Power Pro


"A new generation of container and modular data centers 4x4 - Mtech". Sergey Sinichenko, CTO, 4by4

"The importance of WUE index for Data Centers". Craig McFadyen, Sales Manager for data center solutions, Munters


"Overview of the world market of mini and micro DC. Solutions of mini-DC from Huawei ". Mikhail Salikov, Director of Data Center, Huawei

"Networks of new generation. Category 8 or how to go to 25G/40GBASE-T". Sergey Loginov, Sales Director, Brand Rex, a Leviton company


«The reliability of the data center. Uptime Institute Standards and how to achieve the desired "nines"». Alexey Solodovnikov, Managing Director, Uptime Institute Russia

"The central air conditioning systems with indirect vaporizing free cooling". Carlos Abreu, Product Manager, STULZ


"Eaton's complex approach to solving customer's problems". Stanislav Kryukov, System Architect for data center infrastructure, Eaton

"Choice of the DC cooling concept. Advantages and disadvantages of the decisions made". Victor Gavrilov, CTO, AMD Technologies



"Implementation practice of aisle insulation systems in the MediaData data center with the use of Russian installation constructs". Vitaly Alipov,CTO, RiT CIS Ltd




" Data Center Design, Management and Operation" Section

Moderator – Elena Ershova, Analyst, iKS-Consulting

15:40 – 16:00

"Managing the risks associated with the equipment of EI DC throughout its life cycle". Nikolay Shemetov, CTO, DataSpace

16:00 – 16:20

"When the size does not play an in important role". Alexander Martynyuk, CEO, [dc]2


Discussion "How to improve the DC operation efficiency?"

Discussion moderator: Sergei Lebedev, Deputy Head of Data Center Support, Sberbank of Russia


  1. 24-hour service desk in the data center - an absolute necessity or options are possible?
  2. Requirements to the service company (maintenance of engineering systems). What should you turn attention to?
  3. How is the "hard" optimization of the engineering solutions and services procurement reflected and influence on the operation quality while building of a data center?
  4.  Enterprise vs commercial data center - different indicators of utilization of inside racksspace. What is the reason and how to struggle?


Alexey Solodovnikov,Managing Director for Uptime Institute Russia

Andrey Pavlov,General Director, Data Dome

Konstantin Manerko, Head of Data Center, AKADO Telecom

Alexander Nilov,IT infrastructure product manager, Rittal

Mikhail Salikov, Data Center Department Director, Huawei

Victor Gagua, CEO, Aqua Technologies Ltd, Munters certified partner


Alexey Soldatov, CEO, DataPro

17:00 – 17:40

Discussion "New models of data center building"

Moderator: Dmitry Marinichev, Internet Ombudsman

Abstract:Recently the requests for the implementation of data center projects in partnership have started to formulate on the DC building and operation market. Such models have been working abroad for a long time and they can be different. The main thing that unites them all is the transfer to the partner-outsourcer the full control over the life cycle of the site, namely the building, operation, development and modernization of the data center. These schemes involve a long-term cooperation and mutual responsibility for the result.

Questions for discussion:

  1. What new opportunities for customers do such outsourcing models open? Are there any disadvantages?
  2. To what extent is the domestic market ready for new ways of interaction between the customer and the supplier? In what plane do the main difficulties and risks of such approach for both sides lay?
  3. What requirements for expertise of the partner-outsourcer should be imposed by the customer?
  4.  New global technological and business trends in the development of data centers


Alexander Anosov,Head of Commercial Data Center, IT Business, Schneider Electric

Alexander Martynyuk, CEO, [dc]2

Denis Tukalevsky,independent expert

Alexander Tishkin, Head of development DC infrastructure and testing department, MTS




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